The Webtrader is a MT4 trading platform that used for online trading directly from the browser without the need to install the application locally.
The trading platform enables traders to trade from computers with an internet connection. Webtrader provides a rich and user-friendly interface in a highly customizable trading environment directly on your computer.
Scope & Audience
The document provides an overview of the industry and relevant system components pertaining to the platform to be offered.
The audience of this document is customers who want to start trading using the web trader.
Terms, Acronyms & Abbreviations
One Click Trading - This feature is intended to simplify trading operations in the Webtrader platform.
One Click Trading implies the opportunity of simplifying Buy/Sell trading operations of a preset volume of a certain symbol by "one click"
UI Functional Design
Main Application Sections
Login Screen
When the user opens the application he is greeted with the login screen:

The login screen provides the user with the option to choose between real and demo trading.
In the real trading option, the user uses real money he deposited into his account while the demo options enables the user to practice with virtual money.

After choosing one of the two options, the user is asked to enter his username / password combination in order to login.
The Remember Me option provides the user with the ability to save his username / password combination on the local computer.
The Main View
Upon logging in, the user is presented with the main application screen which looks as follows:

The main application screen is divided into 5 sections:
The Top Bar

The top bar includes options such as: Inside View / Notifications / Full Screen / One Click / Support / Logout
While on the left side appears the tab list, in the image above there's only one tab but more tabs can be added as per the broker's request.
The Symbols List

The symbols list shows all the available symbols in the server.
Upon clicking one of them, the user receives more information about the symbol and trading options

The symbols list also consists of a Favorites tab which shows the user's favorite symbols.
A symbol's status as favorite can be enabled / disabled by clicking the star alongside the symbol's name.

At the top of the symbol list appears a search bar in which a user can type a name of a symbol or several letters and receive the relevant results.
At the bottom of the symbol list the broker's logo is placed.

The summary section displays user-specific data such as Balance, Equity, Margin, Credit, Margin Level and Total.
The button on the right varies according to the account type:
- Real Account: "Deposit Money"
- Demo Account: "Switch To Real"
Chart Area

The chart area displays the chart of the current selected symbol.
The user can change the selected symbol by using the combobox displayed marked with 1,
Each chart can be viewed in different timeframes: 1M, 5M, 15M, 30M, 1H, 4H, 1D.
The timeframe can be changed using the combobox displayed marked with 2,
The user can also switch between chart types (Candle, OHLC, Line) using the combobox marked with 3.
The trading operations console (marked with 4) is similar to the one that is present in the symbol object in the symbols list.
The plotting tools (marked with 5) provide the user with analytical tools, such as indicators, lines, text objects, etc.
The Full Screen button (marked with 6) provides the user the ability to enlarge the chart at the expense of losing the symbols list and terminal:

The terminal section contains 3 inner sections:
- Open positions – displays all the open positions for the logged in user with specific position information (e.g. Order number, Order Time, etc.) and in addition, the calculated profit (which is calculated according to the symbol value at that moment)
- History – The history tab provides the user with data regarding position which were closed in the past. The user is required to choose a date range for the requested data.
- Summary – The summary displays all the current open position, while categorizing them according to symbol name.Using the Close All button the user can close all the positions of a certain symbol.
Application Popups
New Order Popup
The new order popup is divided into 2 main parts: Market Order & Pending Order
Market Order

To place your order, simply click on the Volume comboBox to enter the amount of your transaction (or choose one of the presets in the comboBox).
In order to enter a Stop Loss or Take Profit Order simply click the relevant checkboxes to activate the fields

Then choose Stop Loss and Take Profit to enter the price desired for the levels.

Pending Order
The Pending Order popup is similar to the advanced option described above, apart from the addition of the Price / Order Type and Expiry fields:

In this tab, a red background will appear in case you enter invalid values (values which alongside with the order type and Stop Loss / Take Profit cannot execute a valid pending order).
In the order type you can choose between 4 options:
Buy Limit — buy provided the future "ASK" price is equal to the pre-defined value. The current price level is higher than the value of the placed order. Orders of this type are usually placed in anticipation of that the security price, having fallen to a certain level, will increase;
Sell Limit — sell provided the future "BID" price is equal to the pre-defined value. The current price level is lower than the value of the placed order. Orders of this type are usually placed in anticipation of that the security price, having increased to a certain level, will fall;
Buy Stop — buy provided the future "ASK" price is equal to the pre-defined value. The current price level is lower than the value of the placed order. Orders of this type are usually placed in anticipation of that the security price, having reached a certain level, will keep on increasing;
Sell Stop — sell provided the future "BID" price is equal to the pre-defined value. The current price level is higher than the value of the placed order. Orders of this type are usually placed in anticipation of that the security price, having reached a certain level, will keep on falling.
Trade Actions popup

The Trades Actions popup appears when the user double clicks a position in the Open Positions tab in the terminal.
In this popup the user can configure the position's Take Profit / Stop Loss values according to Price, Points or Profit.
Once the user configures the Take Profit / Stop Loss according to one of these values, a small lock will appear next to the value that is used to calculate the value.
Malaysia Forex Trading Strategy Research and Education Centre
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