Congratulations to Antonio Manuel Buendia on his second anniversary!
Emgoldex wholeheartedly congratulates Antonio Manuel Buendia on his second anniversary in the company. Since his entering in the online store, Mr Buendia has completely revolutionized the life of hundreds of clients that follow him!Congratulations for the excellent success!Antonio Buendia is a very important and dear leader appreciated by both the company and the clients, mainly in the Spanish-speaking countries where hundreds of clients follow him.In these two years, Antonio has achieved a high success, becoming a renowned and distinguished leader wherever he goes. One of his most desired goals was to participate in a Cruise of the company, aim that he finally achieved last August in the Summer Cruise. A well-deserved rest after a highly productive work!In order to help others succeed, the leader has recorded several training videos with a high popularity among the clients, in which he reveals the proper working system in the gold business as well as his secrets for success.Likewise, he is the keynote speaker in many conferences where he imparts his wisdom about the business and earns the respect and admiration of the whole audience.Antonio has inspired thousands of beginners and experienced clients to be resolute, persevering and toldthe importance of a working system in a successful business!The best of luck and success! Emgoldex wishes Antonio Buendia and the rest of the clients to aim for new wins!Get inspired to follow the successful steps of Antonio Buendia and achieve your own financial independence and confidence in the future!7 ways how successful people enjoy their free time.
What successful people do in their workplace obviously determines the success or failure of their business, but you shouldn't forget about your spare time! The activities you carry out outside work can help you take a run-up to start your way to success!Find out the main activities in spare time to achieve the highest success!To succeed, besides the working activity, there is another factor that deserves some words here and that's free time. The activities every businessman carries out during spare time has a domino effect on your working life.A well-balanced life between leisure and working time is essential for success. When people start working to achieve success it can be overwhelming and it gets out of hand because they forget to attach importance to other aspects of their life.Spare time is the moment to recharge the batteries and avoid getting overloaded with work. Weekends are the main moment to think what to do about your free time, nevertheless during the week it is possible that due to sitting too long or spending too much time on the computer, you feel unfocused and lack the energy to start the next working day in a productive way.A life career can be a roller coaster full of emotions and it is highly required to control it. What can professionals do during spare time to set themselves up for future success?- Social networks
Nowadays it is important to keep in contact with people, mostly if your business has an international scope. Surely meeting in person is important, but that's impossible if your business contacts or partners work in the other side of the world.- Family and friends
Check in with friends and family during weekends or some free time. Sometimes people achieve a high success, moving to another city and forgetting their roots. In order to disconnect from a busy life, visiting your loved ones is highly recommendable.- Exercise and a good diet
Exercise is a natural adrenaline rush perfect for the wee hours of the morning right before start working. It also releases stress, which together with a healthy diet guarantees a perfect physical well-being for the hardest times at work. You are ready to continue a frenetic rhythm of life!- Learn something new
Hobbies are important for every person; and for that curiosity and self-development play a significant role. To grow intellectually in any field, whether it's useful or not for your business, is an interesting goal that you will never regret.
- Travel and nature
Offices and working places are enclosed spaces that may limit your capacity to think deeply out of the box, and get inspiration for possible new ideas and innovations in your business. Nature instead, offers an open space in which you can feel totally free and breath fresh air. Traveling as well can serve this purpose adding the advantage of knowing a new culture and place; that means more knowledge and life experiences.- Spontaneity
Being an entrepreneur or a businessman sometimes ties you to follow a serious and routine life, and sometimes it's necessary to live a little. The advantage of doing something spontaneously - such as take the first flight available in an airport - can help you improve your skills to take quick decisions and think on your feet. Qualities of a true leader!- Philanthropy
One of the main reasons for people to start a business and seek success is to help others, but your working schedule can alter your initial goal. For that, devoting more time to perform actions selflessly is a praiseworthy work. Environmental issues, poverty, conflicts... there is a wide choice for you to play your part in general well-being of the world!The clients of Emgoldex enjoy their spare time among the most successful people! Emgoldex is an international company that sells and buys gold for over 5 years, offering the best qualityinvestment gold bars in its online store. The clients create their own gold business and gold reserve, a full guarantee for their economic independence in the future.Become a client of Emgoldex right now and change your life for the better!0Add a comment
A great leader of Emgoldex tells us 5 effective ways to earn money!
Training and the desire to learn from the experience of successful people are keys to get high earnings and for a rapid personal growth. A good key for success is to follow successful people's advice!A successful leader of the company shares 5 effective tips on how to earn money! Start using them today!What is the secret of leadership? A good leader should improve his/her own knowledge, follow the latest trends in the gold business, communicate actively and learn new skills. A good leader always supports and helps his/her team achieve goals and dreams. Together, they contribute a lot to the development of the gold culture.Today, one of the leaders of the company has shared all the secrets of his high income, opening the 5 effective tips on how to earn money developing your business productively.What are these 5 tips to generate a high income? Discover them watching the training video about the fundamental factors for a successful business:Now you know the 5 main ways to earn money faster. Take advantage of this unique opportunity!
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Why did clients from Japan travel a 7.5 thousand km way?
What motivated the clients from Japan of the gold business to travel the long distance to Saint Petersburg? Were they able to communicate with the locals?Find out everything about the adventures of the Japanese in St. Petersburg, and how fast theinternational business of Emgoldex will develop in Japan and the rest of Asia in 2015!More and more often, representatives of Eastern Asia can be seen in different parts of the world due to their curiosity and love to travel.Now in these countries, there has been an increased interest in gold and the gold business, and in particular in investment gold bars. Certainly, one of the reasons why people of Japan traveled to the cultural capital of Russia was to attend the last International Conference of Emgoldex in 2014, dedicated to gold and the development of the gold business.According to the World Gold Council, the year 2013 was remarkable due to the increase in the demand for gold. It was specially significant in Japan, where it grew 3 times more!The growth of interest in this noble metal is observed around the globe. It is considered as the best way to preserve wealth against the decrease in the value of paper money! The entire world believes in gold, and the clients of Emgoldex from Asia are the best example.You are more than welcome to watch the inspiring videos about the adventures of the clients from Japan in St. Petersburg.Also, watch the reviews about Emgoldex of the clients from Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines, and other countries of the world. Learn why the citizens of different countries have chosen to conduct the international business with the Emgoldex company!0Add a comment
- JAN13
How can time management help you choose the best day to start your own business successfully?
How can time management help you choose the best day to start your own business successfully?
Everybody set goals to achieve their wishes of a successful business. When is the best time to do so? Are you waiting for the proper moment to start a successful life? One of the greatest excuses of our times is the lack of time, but as it has been said “time flies but you are the pilot”!There is no need to worry whether you waste time if you follow some particular steps.Find out the crucial steps for a good time management!When we think about entrepreneurs and businessman, the first thing that comes to mind is a picture of an overwhelmed and busy person. People might think that busy is a synonym of successful or hard work, but nothing is further from the truth. Most of the times in a busy life the most common question is: “Where did the time go?”.This busy life at job can be chaotic if there is no structure or planning. The most successful person doesn't have the need to feel overwhelmed as has everything under control. And before controlling your life and job, comes the control of your time, there is when time management comes into play.Good time management ensures continuous productivity that can lead easily to success. Managing time doesn't mean to follow a tight agenda, but to organize tasks properly to work smarter, not harder.Below are presented the most effective points to take into account to control your time!Tasks:- Tasks should follow hierarchy
Create a to- do list and every day select the most urgent and difficult tasks to complete them first. Find what deserves more time! It is advisable to divide the most challenging ones into smaller task and later you can move on to less necessary tasks.- Set a deadline for every task
The time constraint is a sort of pressure that will help you focus and not waste time in distractions. Bear in mind too that different tasks require a different amount of time!- Focus on the task
Looking at the list is one of the most common ways to stress and waste time. One task at a time is the key to dedicate and focus 100% to a task. Immerse on this one task to give your best.Plans:- Daily/weekly planner
Write your appointments, meetings, tasks in order. It is a more visual way to plan your schedule, which will be more helpful to plan your work ahead. Always prepare your plan before going to bed!- Check plan
Reviewing the plan of your previous day, week or month is essential to improve your time management skills for the future. And don't forget that routines and deadlines must be adapted to every situation, depending on meetings, trips, etc.Distractions:- Beware of procrastination
Start working early with energy to avoid any impulse to procrastinate. If you work with Internet, close all the other browser windows. Calculate the time you spend browsing Internet and you will notice the waste of time it supposes!- Right place to work
Find a place with no distractions to concentrate and focus. Put your phone and social nets away or silent. A quiet place to work is the best place for productivity!Breaks:- Some minutes between tasks to stretch and take a short stroll will clear your head and even this bit of fresh air and sunshine can give you inspiration. And for that you have to control your breaks for them not to get out of hand!
Resources:- Sometimes people spend too much time looking for information in books, Internet, and yet no explanations or solutions are satisfactory. Try to meet like-minded people with the same interests and related to your work to facilitate it. To be a leader it is essential to surround yourself with professionals!
Obviously, to fully comply these requirements there is an obligatory need to be committed, resolute and professional! Follow these steps firmly and you will achieve an instant success!The clients of Emgoldex have built their own business with the company achieving a great success! Emgoldex is an international company that sells and buys gold in 5 continents for more than 5 years. The clients, besides creating their own business, can create their own gold reserve to keep and increase their income!Do you know what is the secret of Emgoldex clients success? They didn't waste any second doubting when to start their business or whether they had the skills. They know that the time for action is always NOW. More than anyone else they know that time is gold!Create your own gold business! Take action!Follow the link to find the best opportunities to succeeed!Do not waste your time! Every second wasted decreases your income in the future!0Add a comment
- JAN12
The motivational wishes from the clients of Emgoldex to give everyone energy for the whole new year!
The motivational wishes from the clients of Emgoldex to give everyone energy for the whole new year!
Warm wishes from clients of Emgoldex in these wonderful winter days will fill all the hearts with love and joy. Their inspirational words will give you the same confidence in the future that they have! The clients of Emgoldex reveal all the secrets of 2015, the beginning of "Our Golden Age"!Find the best wishes directly on the International Emgoldex Conference in St. Petersburg!The clients of the company are representatives of the international gold business from 5 continents of the globe. They are inhabitants of more than 150 countries of the world! They are capable to lead hundreds of thousands of people to success and prosperity.The variety of cultures, traditions and ways to see life is what makes life and this business more fascinating and much more interesting!We all set different goals, we think and dream differently, we look and dress differently. But all of us want to believe in the best future and to be happy!The clients of the Emgoldex company filmed their warm and sincere wishes for all the people around the globe.Watch the videos recorded by the clients of Emgoldex in St. Petersburg and get the inspiration you need to aim for your goals!Emgoldex is a business for the whole world! The true international business that unites everyone on the way towards happiness and confidence in a brighter future!Learn the results reached by the clients in 5 years of the existence of the company:0Add a comment
The Emgoldex company is a guiding star that leads to a prosperous future in 2015!
Are 5 years of experience enough for an international company? Is it possible to develop a business in more than 150 countries during 5 years?When will the new Golden Age start?Why do the clients of Emgoldex call this year “Our Golden Age”?The international business with the product of the Emgoldex company is a contemporary business that meets the needs of every modern consumer. This business is available worldwide! The whole world belongs to every customer! It expands the horizons of every clients who take part in the bonus program!Emgoldex unites countries and continents, cultures and traditions!The company has been working in the global market for 5 years. During this period, the clients have chosen the most advantageous working conditions and built their own successful business. They travel to different countries and look confidently towards the future with the product of the company. What is more, the most experienced ones record video trainings to share their knowledge with others!The clients of Emgoldex claim that this year starts a new era “Our Golden Age”!Discover the results of the company's clients on 5 continents! Find out the top leading countries of theinternational business of Emgoldex!Just click the link: a client of Emgoldex right now and change your life for the better!0Add a comment
How to overcome the challenge of January?
January hits hard every year intoning a winter blues. But the usual post-holiday laziness and blue winter mood are not an excuse to distract from accomplishing your goals! The importance of productivity lies in the need of it in order to achieve success.Find out what and why it is important to be successful in 2015!Why is January considered one of the "deadly" months for your professional career?Cheerful Christmas lights and joyful celebrations are long gone, and in front of us we have a month that has always been a synonymous of unproductivity. The reason in cold countries is that people tend to feel exhausted and unenthusiastic, and in general, people set high expectations in their New Year's resolutions.To keep these resolutions is not everyone’s forte, that's why it's important to mark a path step by step and stay realistic. Otherwise, most people will end up taking the easy way out and not improve themselves to be successful in 2015!How to prevent January from affecting our productivity?In order to walk with your feet firmly on the ground to stay productive this month, it is advisable to bear in mind the following keys:- Time management
As Benjamin Franklin quoted “if you want something done, ask a busy person”. It is important to be active and know how to hit deadlines. Organize your to-do list properly, dedicating the necessary time to each task and concentrate on what needs to be done!- Quality, not quantity
Being a workaholic is not always the answer to achieve success. More hours working can actually mean the difference between success and failure as long as these hours are truly productive.- Mind
Bear in mind also that your body also needs its time to relax during nights and weekends to function optimally.- Strength
Be committed to your goals and resist the typical tendency to leave everything till the last moment! Being a professional means to keep a strong willpower and do not give up with poor excuses.What are the results of working hard in January?There will be a world of difference between a productive and a non-productive January.To begin with, you will not lose the rhythm of your work. The more constant you are in your job, the less efforts you will have to do to catch up!In addition, you will be one step ahead of those who decided not to give importance to productivity, and it will be easier for you to keep that level of productivity throughout the year.How do the clients of Emgoldex make the most of January?The clients of Emgoldex epitomize the entrepreneurship spirit. They started their own business from scratch and developed the proper skills to achieve a great success. What is more, they count with the product of the company, investment gold bars.In 2015, more and more people start to believe in gold as the value of this metal has been just decreased in price, not in worthiness. Its value remains, therefore its price will be raised. A new age is coming, a Golden Age, in which the power belongs to those who believe in gold and work productively to develop a successful business!Create your own gold business! Take action!Follow the link to find the best opportunities and make the most of January:Do not waste your time! Every second wasted minute decreases your income in the future!0Add a comment
Unexpected Christmas surprises for the leaders of Emgoldex!
Have you heard the amazing stories about two last events of the past year? Do you know what gifts received the leaders during the awarding ceremony of Emgoldex in St. Petersburg?The International Conference and the Golden Party of Emgoldex gave to the participants from all over the world surprising gifts.Throughout the year, clients and leaders of the company have been looking forward to the last event of 2014: the Conference of Emgoldex in St.Petersburg under the slogan “Our Golden Age”. During this Conference, the most active customers of the company were awarded for their contribution to the development of the gold business.The management of the company invited to the stage the most successful members of the gold business who achieved outstanding results in the bonus program of Emgoldex. One of the awards were the unique watches of the company which can not be bought anywhere else, just received as a gift for a productive work and a great contribution to the gold business.The final part of the awarding was the most exciting one, when the customers were asked to look inside their gift boxes in which they saw totally unexpected gifts. Instead of the traditional 2,5 gram gold bars, there were 5 gram investment gold bars of 24 carat gold of Argor-Heraeus MultiCards. That was the best Christmas gift! With these gifts, the company showed its respect to its customers and wished them the greatest success in the development of their gold business.The awarding ceremony was a very important part among other interesting activities during the Conference of Emgoldex in St. Petersburg. The events under the slogan “Our Golden Age” motivated a lot of participants to work more productively and achieve higher results.To fully experience the huge scale of all the events, you are welcome to see the photos and watch video reports. Also, be sure to take part in all international events of Emgoldex next year!Become a leader of Emgoldex!0Add a comment
The fabulous holidays of Emgoldex clients in St. Petersburg started Our Golden Age!
The cultural capital of Russia heartily hosted the clients of Emgoldex. The members of the gold culture from different countries really know how to relax.Follow the Christmas adventures experienced by the clients of Emgoldex in St. Petersburg. Discover the places that will be worth seeing during the next event of Emgoldex.It is difficult to tell the best among all the touristic attractions that are worth seeing in St. Petersburg, as it is one of the most amazing cities of the world. In the city there is an unbelievable amount of museums, theaters, architectural buildings, parks, monuments, and other interesting places.During their visit, the clients of Emgoldex walked along famous Nevskiy Prospect, where the luxurious Corinthia Hotel is located. This hotel hosted two main Emgoldex events of the year under the slogan “Our Golden Age”.Another stunning Christmas gift was an invitation to the Hermitage Theatre where the guests could enjoy the popular ballet “The Nutcracker”. It is impossible to enumerate all the surprises of the company!Find out all the juicy details of the events during Christmas holidays from the full official report:Also, read the full report about the International Conference of Emgoldexin St. Petersburg in the splendid Corinthia Hotel!It is an honor to belong to the gold culture!Developing your gold business today, you will change your life for the better tomorrow!0Add a comment
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