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每个月稳定获得 700 USD 利润的全自动外汇交易系统,历史最大回撤仅为 8%,月均盈利率7%
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Ghidorah Forex EA V2.01 免费下载
每个月稳定获得 700 USD 利润的全自动外汇交易系统,历史最大回撤仅为 8%,月均盈利率7%
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Million Dollar Pips Review

Million Dollar Pips Review

This page contains a candid review of the Million Dollar Pips fully automated forex trading robot based on our own experiences having tried this product for a number of months.
If you wish to go directly to the product information page please click here.
Quicklinks:Does ‘Million Dollar Pips’ Work?
Is ‘Million Dollar Pips’ a Scam?
‘Million Dollar Pips’ Review
More info, discounts and bonuses (opens new window)

Million Dollar Pips Executive Summary

Product Name:

Million Dollar Pips

Million Dollar Pips Review
Refund Rate:0.88% – Very Low 
Product Description:Fully automated forex trading robot software offering a ‘set and forget’ use for end user. Developer claims to have turned $250 into $1,295,191 in 12 months, and provides login evidence of 500% gains in only one month
Product Developer:William Morrison – Run a background check (where available)
Developer Qualifications:Vendor is a software developer who quit working in IT for a multi-national, purchased several forex robots, re-engineered them and created his own ‘hybrid’ with his unique algorithms and systems integration. Product is currently best seller in its genre
Product Specifications:“Million Dollar Pips is different in that it is programmed to trade on the 1M chart. It has an extremely tight stop loss to protect the investment and uses a simple combination of an indicator and price action to detect and scalp mini breakouts with smart trailing techniques”
Official Domain
Brand/Company:Million Dollar Pips™/
Investment:US$99 one time payment
Payment options:All major credit cards and PayPal
Guarantee:60 days
Refund protection:Available for this product  (what’s this?)
Bonuses:Available for this product  (what’s this?)

Does Million Dollar Pips Work?

Before I gave Million Dollar Pips a test I was convinced I would end up being disappointed. I am somewhat ‘old school’ so to be honest it flies in the face of everything I distrust in forex trading robots. It’s a piece of software which you install on your laptop (or desktop) and turn it on (barring some initial set up and deposit). If William Morrison is to be believed, you can then take a year long vacation exploring the Amazon and return a millionaire.
Now I don’t for a moment believe that, nor do I think any of my readers do, but I guess the barrage of marketing we face every moment of the day desensitizes us to these kinds of things. I guess our brains must subconsciously sift through the rubbish we hear (and read) in pursuit of something we can get to grips with. So we forgive and tune in.
The reason I don’t like software you install is because it stands to reason that forex trading software must analyze historical data to come up with some sort of forward prediction. The more it can analyze the more accurate the prediction. The historical data it must analyze just to go back a few months, let alone decades, would be enough to bring even the most powerful of computers to a standstill. Our home or office computers wouldn’t stand a chance.
The second thing I don’t normally like is the fact that I am a trader and have always been a trader. I like to do my own research, enter my own trades and exit my own trades. Should I put my trust in this piece of fallible software (all software is fallible) and let it do my research and make my trades for me.
There were three major points in its favor.
1. I can only trade for a few hours a day max, I value my recreation. The software works 24 hours a day, 5 days a week.
2. I can only trade a few times and I aim for reasonable gains each time to make it worth the effort. The software ‘scalps’ mini gains, and lots of them, much more than I could physically do.
3. When I trade I allow a 7% or 8% stop loss, I have to allow for my own failings. The software never risks more than 2.5% in the trades and stops you out each time it goes the wrong way.
These reasons however are the roughly the same for every forex trading robot out there, and that’s why so many of them seem to fall over. If they cannot analyze that much of the historical data available, then the difference must be in the algorithms they do use. In other words, the software can only be as smart as the developers and programmers themselves.
The smart programmers are able to identify which data to process and which not to process, and of course what to do with that data once they have it. This is what makes Million Dollar Pips interesting. The algorithms unique to William Morrison’s intellectual property are what enable it to run on your laptop or desktop without it grinding to a halt.
Morrison himself said his breakthrough came when he simplified things to the lowest common denominator. Perhaps it is this simplicity which allows it all to come together and make the right trades at the right time.
Additionally it sets very tight stops and has a very low loss/risk tolerance, something I found comforting when I pressed the start button for the first real-money trades.
You get stopped out frequently while it trades, but over the course of time your capital grows, slowly and consistently.
The results were impressive indeed. These are our results over the last several months.
Opening Balance
Closing Balance
Test Account 1
Test Account 2
Test Account 3
Test Account 4
Test Account 5
I hate to admit it but those results were comparable to the results I get trading ‘manually’, and I trade for a living. It would also be fair to say that those results were far far better than the results I was getting when I first started out 15+ years ago.
In our favor however, we are experienced traders and we did tweak the software with a touch of our own ‘X’ factor. You would not have that advantage.
So if we were to ask the question again “Does Million Dollar Pips work?”, the answer would be yes, it does. If you’re not sure what tweaks to make to suit your own trading style then you’ll need to have a play around with it for a while. Keep the trades minimal (or dummy) or start with, and turn it up a bit after you’ve done some of your own tests.

Is Million Dollar Pips A Scam?

The obvious answer to this is no, it is not. When you make your payment you get access to software (as promised) which when set up properly trades the foreign exchange markets for you, fully automatically (as promised).
If a scam is “a fraudulent business scheme” (, then by dictionary definition a scam it is not.
The most pertinent point therefore becomes “If I am disappointed, will I get my money back for sure and will they make me run through hoops to get it?”.
Million Dollar Pips does come with a 60-day 100% money back guarantee, however so do many products out there and when it comes to getting your money back no one answers emails all of a sudden and you end up having to cancel a credit card charge, which is a hassle.
Fortunately we can report back with good news. Million Dollar Pips uses a third party payment gateway which was specially set up for digital products such as this. The company, Clickbank Inc is USA based. They take the money for the sale and pass that on, less disbursements to the vendor after a short ‘cooling off’ period.
If a refund is requested during the 60 days following the sale Clickbank returns the money to the buyer and takes that back from the vendor from future sales.
Clickbank include a link to the refund form in their purchase confirmation email to you, you just click on the link and your refund is processed automatically. You don’t even have to give a reason if you don’t want to.
You can read all about Clickbank Inc.’s refund policy by clicking on the image below:
So if anyone is concerned that Million Dollar Pips may be a scam, I believe we have shown that indeed it is not. The nest question we should ask ourselves is “Will it work for me?”
We look into this most important aspect in the Review and conclusion section below.

Million Dollar Pips Review/Conclusion

At time of writing, Million Dollar Pips is the best selling digital product of its genre. It is relatively new so only time will tell if it hangs on to that lead. Interestingly the refund rate is only 0.88%. This mean that only 9 people per thousand have not been satisfied and have asked for their money back.
This is considered very low and would indicate a high level of customer satisfaction.
However, 9 people per thousand DO return the product so discounting those who buy with the intension of refunding anyway, there are still some for whom Million Dollar Pips does not work. It is these we need to look at to see if that is you. It doesn’t agree with everyone’s trading style, and it will save you time and unnecessary stress to get it and try it out when it’s obviously not for you in the first place.
Million Dollar Pips does everything for you. Once you have it up and running you need to leave it alone and let it do it’s thing. Whilst tweaking it once in a while when you know what you are doing will certainly improve returns, tweaking it all the time when you don’t know what you are doing could be disastrous.
If you are the type who cannot leave it alone, or wish to be more in control of your own trades, then Million Dollar Pips may not be for you. Interestingly the few return we have had from this review page have all been within a week of purchase, which means the buyers really did not give it time to pan out.
Secondly, if you’re used to using a broker when making your trades and prefer the human contact then Million Dollar Pips would not be suited to you either. When things go wrong and you seem to be losing more than you are winning, there’s no one to turn to to get advice.
Finally, some people prefer less trades and the chance to make an overnight killing, just like you can with penny stocks. Conversely of course you can lose a fortune overnight with penny stock too. It’s a different risk/reward altogether.
No, Million Dollar Pips scalps the forex market. It takes a little here and a little there and it does it often. Multiple times a day. If you prefer a higher risk/reward then Million Dollar Pips is not for you.
If you are not one of the above then you should consider getting it. It’s not expensive at $99 and you do have 60 days in which to get your money back. However, to get it, try it immediately for only a few days with real money and complain when it makes a loss is neither doing yourself or the system justice.
Do as I would recommend to any of my clients. If you really do want to know whether it will work for you or not is to try it yourself. Do 30 days of dummy (no money) trades and if after that time you have made a profit, then use real money (starting small) for the next 30 days. If after that time you have not made a real profit (at least $99) then put in for your money back.
Nothing ventured nothing gained, except perhaps a much better understanding of the foreign exchange markets and if you get your money back anyway then nothing lost as well.
May we wish you the best of luck with your trading. We hope our Million Dollar Pips review will help you make an informed decision.

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Ghidorah Forex EA V2.01 免费下载
每个月稳定获得 700 USD 利润的全自动外汇交易系统,历史最大回撤仅为 8%,月均盈利率7%
点击这里可以查看 Ghidorah Forex EA 的实时交易记录及历史交易记录


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