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1)       马来西亚华人及文化研究组
2)       现代华文文学研究组
3)       汉学研究组
4)       当代中国研究组
5)       艺术研究 
6)       闽南文化研究组

UTAR ICS: Milestones and Achievements

    If the story of the establishment of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman's (UTAR) Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS) could be personified, it would be one that is from rags to riches. 

     It all began with a humble department under the University's Faculty of Arts and Social Science with a handful of dedicated teaching staff. Blessed with the constant encouragement by the University, foresight of the Department's luminaries, namely Prof Ang Tian Se and Prof Dr Lim Chooi Kwa, both were former Heads of Department, and concerted efforts by all parties involved, it has grown by leaps and bounds throughout the years. The Department eventually metamorphosed into an Institute in 2010 and proudly appointed the visionary Prof Dr Ho Khai Leong as its inaugural Dean. 

     From offering undergraduate to PhD programmes in Chinese Studies, ICS also prides itself as having the most number of student enrolment in Chinese Studies programme in the country and also the highest number of teaching staff.  

     "Becoming an Institute certainly has unlimited opportunities in the future and further enable us to do more on research and other projects. One the cardinal achievements thus far is the founding of the Centre for Chinese Studies Research (CCSR)," said Deputy Dean (R&D and Postgraduate Programmes) Dr Wong Wun Bin, and shared that CCSR currently has six research units, namely Malaysian Chinese and Cultural Studies Unit, Chinese Arts Research Unit, Contemporary Chinese Studies Unit, Min-nan Cultural Study Unit, Modern Chinese Literature Studies Unit, followed by Sinology Unit. 

     According to Dr Wong, research is something that could propel the Institute to a higher level in a multitude of ways and further open doors to collaboration with other institutions. "One of such examples is the research fund by YTL Berhad Corporation on Min-nan research," he shared, referring to the RM300k fund for CCSR to conduct joint-research with Xiamen University, National Cheng Kung University and National Quemoy University on Min-nan communities and the subculture.
      "We train students about research methods," he told, even further added that to ensure ICS's syllabuses are up to par with international standards, some of them are modelled closely on Chinese Studies programmes offered by certain universities of international stature such as Harvard University, Princeton University, National University of Singapore, University of Hong Kong, National Taiwan University et al. but with a "local" touch.

     Such "local" touch is the introduction of subjects such as "Chinese in Malaysia", "Malaysian Chinese Literature" and "Comparative Study between Malaysian Chinese Literature and Malay Literature". These, according to the Deputy Dean, are "tailor-made" for local students with the hope that extensive studies and research could be done on various topics related to Malaysian Chinese. He also waxed lyrical about the most recent "Constructive Community Service on Collection of Chinese History in Malaysia", a tangible and significant collaboration with National Tsing Hua University to assist the Gopeng Museum to complete its historical records. 

     While one may assume that students who learn only about classical (and local) studies may have parochial views and mentality, ICS begs to differ. The Institute's programme is a perfect blend of traditional (classical studies like History of Chinese Thoughts, Poetry of Tang Dynasty, Selected Texts from Han, Wei and Six Dynasties, Classical Chinese Novels to name a few) and modern studies which are taught in English such as Mass Media and Society, Theory and Practice of Translation, News Reporting and Writing that could better equip students with knowledge and prepare them to be competent both locally and internationally. In fact, ICS is definitely not one Institution that downplays the significance of English.

     To date, ICS has successfully produced a plenitude of graduates. Despite graduating from an arts programme, most have dedicated their lives as engineers, but of a different kind - engineers of the human soul, from kindergarten to institutions of higher learning. There is a Chinese saying, "If you want 1 year of prosperity, grow grain. If you want 10 years of prosperity, grow trees. If you want 100 years of prosperity, grow people". According to the Institute's blueprint for future development, more programmes will be offered to nurture young fecund minds, further benefitting our posterity.


·       中文系成立,是创校初期的八个科系之一。
·       洪天赐教授为创系主任。
·       林水檺教授接任中文系系主任。
·       中文系学士班第一届毕业。
·       增设硕士班(八打灵校区)。
·       配合延续教育中心(CEE)增设在职进修学士班(八打灵校区)。

·       拉曼大学金宝校区正式启用。中文学士班迁移到金宝,隶属人文与社会科学学院。
·       中文系硕士班,隶属八打灵校区的创意产业学院。
·       在职进修学士班,隶属八打灵校区的延续教育中心。
·       许文荣博士担任金宝校区中文系主任。
·       张晓威博士担任八打灵校区中文系主任。
·       中文系毕业生协会成立。
·       与台湾政治大学历史学系联办东南亚华人与近代中国学术研讨会
·       中文系硕士班第一届毕业。
·       举办《马来西亚第六届汉学学术会议》。
·       增设博士班(八打灵校区)。
·       庄国土教授、何启良教授担任访问学者。
·       9月中华研究院成立。何启良教授担任第一任院长,兼中华研究中心主持人。
·       中华研究中心进一步规划成五大组:马来西亚华人及文化研究组、现代华文文学研究组、汉学研究组、当代中国研究组、艺术研究组。
·       八打灵校区中文系、金宝校区中文系归属中华研究院。
·       举办马中关系-挑战与机遇国际学术研讨会》
·       举办《中华研究-马来研究比较学术研讨会》。
·       饶宗颐教授题署「拉曼大学中华研究院」。
·       杨儒宾教授、吴小安教授担任中华研究中心访问学者。
·       黄文斌博士任副院长。
·       中华研究中心各组组长:黄文斌博士(马来西亚华人及文化研究组)、许文荣博士(现代华文文学研究组)、余历雄博士(汉学研究组)、何启良教授(当代中国研究组)、暂缺(艺术研究组)。
·       经郑明教授联系,获台湾东吴大学捐赠7678图书
·       故王慷鼎教授捐赠私人藏书万册。
·       故卢绍昌先生遗孀捐赠私人藏书6千余册。
·       拉曼大学中文藏书数量达6万余册。
·       举办《娄东四人书画联展》。
·       举办《李国正老师书艺展》。
·       筹备成立中华研究中心闽南文化研究组。
·       中文系研究生学会成立。
·       举办探索与创见马、中、新、台中文系研究生论文发表会
·       郑明教授担任中华研究中心访问学者。
·       郑明娳著为什么要阅读文学》、李国正著《文学修辞学》、廖冰凌、林志敏编审视马中:一场跨疆域的对话》、方美富湖上墨韵:李国正先生墨薮》出版

·       校庆、系庆10周年。
·       金宝校区增设硕士班。
·       举办《烟花三月:中华研究院师生中国书画展》。
·       黄文斌博士、张晓威博士、林志敏博士任副院长。莫德厚讲师任金宝校区中文系系主任,陈明彪博士任金宝校区研究课程主任,郑文泉博士任八打灵校区中文系系主任。中华研究院组织逐步完善化。
·       中华研究中心各组组长:黄文斌博士(马来西亚华人及文化研究组)、许文荣博士(现代华文文学研究组)、郑文泉博士(汉学研究组)、何启良教授(当代中国研究组)、暂缺(艺术研究组)。
·       中华研究中心闽南文化研究组正式成立。张晓威博士担任组长。
·       举办2012年海外华人研究研究生国际学术研讨会:认同与文化政治
·       举办《郑浩千联文诗百家书法展》。郑浩千捐赠三十幅佳作,义卖所得捐给拉曼大学中华研究院。《百家书法:郑浩千联文诗词》出版。
·       举办马华现代诗国际学术研讨会时代、典律、本土性》。
·       举办《大学动地吟》。
·       荣获全校最佳网站奖。
·       金宝校区中华研究院、中文系搬迁到新院址。
·       举办《林水檺教授七秩华诞国际学术研讨会》。
·       林水檺编《汉典新议-马来西亚第六届汉学会议论文集》出版。
·       与马六甲沈慕羽书法文物馆、马来西亚华校教师会总会(教总)、林连玉基金联合筹备《2013年沈慕羽百岁冥诞活动》。
·       筹备《世界海外华人研究第八届国际学术会议》。

2014年 8月


Ghidorah Forex EA V2.01 免费下载
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