Date show that, the fastest currency appreciation speed of the global in 2011 is Australian dollars since the exchange rate thereof has risen 27% against US Dollars; however, in comparison with Bitcoin, Australian dollars can only bow its head: the price of a Bitcoin at the same time has risen from $0.5/coin, the growth rate is 25 times , and that is more than 92 times of that of the Australian dollars.
Take the long view, the price of a Bitcoin at the earliest moment of public transaction (year 2010) is $0.03, but it was up to $1287 in November 2013. It has risen 40000 times in 4 years! if making further comparison, the growth rate of the highly price is 168 times of the price it came into the market!
Just imagine: if u took out 2500 Yuan (everyone has such amount of money) four years ago to invest Bitcoin, then four years later, you are worthy of the name of billionaire!
You have missed Bitcoin in 2009 , and that means you have missed the opportunity of exchanging two pizzas for 10000 Bitcoin (worth $6 million) !
1084 belongs to sell tea eggs,
1994 belongs to buy original issue stocks
2004 belongs to real estate speculators,
2009 belongs to dig Bitcoin,
But in 2014, the world belongs to Deal Coin!
数据表明,2011年全球货币升值速度最快的是澳元,它对美元的汇率的涨幅高达27% ; 可是和比特币比起来,它就只能俯首称臣了一同期比特币的价格从每枚0.5美元涨到13美元,上涨25倍,是澳元涨幅的92倍多。
眼光再放远一点看。比特币最早公开交易时(2010年)的价格是0.03美元,2013年1月时高达1287美元。 4年间上涨4万倍!如果更进一步,与刚上市时的价格相比最高时上涨168倍!
1984年 是卖茶叶蛋,
1994年 是卖原始股,
2004年 是炒房地产,
2014年 是挖比特币,
2014年 这个世界是属于多特币的!